

  • I will check all homework right after roll.
  • I will come by your desk once.  If your homework is not on your desk at that time, it will be marked late.

Late Work:

  • Late work will be accepted up to the Friday at the end of the current term (end of the 6 weeks period) using the following deductions:
    • Up to 5 school days late: 5% deduction, not to reduce grade below 70%.
    • 6-10 school days late: 10% deduction, not to reduce grade below 70%.  Phone call to parent/guardian to ensure timely return of homwork.
    • 11+ school days late: 15% deduction, not to reduce grade below 70%.  Student-teacher conderence scheduled, resulting in letter to parents.
  • Teacher may assign detention hall for repeated instances of students who do not turn in their homework, or fail to do so in a timely fashion.


  • Students are expected to come prepared to class on time every day.  Missing one day or even a few minutes can put a student behind.
  • With an excused absence, you may make up missed work for full credit.  Missed examx must be made up with one week.
  • Mak-up work will be addressed outside of class (preferably right before or right after school).  All assignments are located in the class folder book in the Homework section.
  • After they have been used in class, copies of all handouts are placed in the class folder book in the Handouts section.


  • Homework assignments count for 40% of the overall grade.
  • Tests will count for 40% of the overal grade.
  • Quizzes will count for 20% of the overall grade.